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Risk-Assumptions-Issues-Dependencies (RAID)
يحتاج الكثير من المهندسين إلى إدارة و متابعة مخاطر المشروع والمعوقات التي تواجه أنشطتهم اليومية و عمل خطط للحد من تأثيرات هذه المخاطر و المعوقات لذلك قمنا بتصميم هذه الورشة بحيث تلبي إحتياجات العديد من الزملاء و تغطي كافة المهارات و الجوانب المعرفية لهذا المجال.
تعقد الورشة في 12 يناير 2023
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They said about us!
A commendable effort, Dr. Ahmed, and the course, content and performance were more than wonderful... Good luck and always forward
There was a course with a lot of valuable and valuable information
Thank you for your most wonderful effort, Engineering.. It is really valuable and a great scientific stature that we are proud of in our midst
I can only say your all courses, especially "cost control- material" really helped me a lot, that are practical approach based.
Thank you very much, Doctor... The course was really useful... The method was calm, sober and interesting in the explanation and a variety of scientific material.. May God reward you with goodness and benefit you and your knowledge.
Frankly, God bless you, a very useful course
I've finished your "Productivity Rates" course at Luqman Academy, It was a great & perfect course by adding many valuable bases for my further plans.
Peace be upon you, Doctor Ahmed. First of all, I would like to thank you for the wonderful courses that are available here and the wonderful content in them, which is really professional and is not available anywhere else.
May God give you more, by His grace. I am a subscriber to all of Eng. Ahmed’s courses in Udemy and Luqman, and he is a great reason for the development of many engineers, may God honor him and increase him with his grace.
By God, your courses without complacency are the most scientific content that is close to the reality we see at work
First, I would like to thank you for the cost estimation course, because I actually took many courses for the sake of knowledge only, not more. I already work on procurements
But your course is full and rich and different from any other course I have taken
Indeed, it is an excellent and valuable thing, and it truly deserves peace in terms of the quality of information and the quality of output, and everything is perfect
بارك الله فيك يارب بجد افدتني جدا في كورس تسعير البنيه التحتيه معدلات الأداء الي حضرتك ذاكرها في الدوره اليوم كنت بسأل مهندس الخدمات الرئيسي عندنا قالي ارقام قريبه جدا وبعضها بالظبط من الي حضرتك ذاكرها ، ربنا يجزيك خير يارب ، من لا يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله
Best Beginnings Produce Best Practices
The key to success is the transfer of practical applications and best practices and the exchange of experiences.
We rely on the accumulation of experiences that are the basis and source of the best applications and practices that we transfer to you to develop performance and improve processes and practices in practice.
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